Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vagina Monologues

My senior year at University I went to a showing of Vagina Monologues. Aside from being, frankly, a bit uncomfortable by the blatant vagina lauding, I found myself completely in awe of the confident, young women who stood before me making no excuses or apologies for their bold performances. On Friday evening at 5pm, at the Baia Mare library, I became one of these bold, fearless women who I had admired; only I did it in Romanian. I teamed up with Peace Corps Volunteers Jenny, and Chip, and our Romanian Partner, Andrea. Since I no longer live in the area we had to put it together in a few days time, each taking responsibility for our individual pieces, wardrobe, delivery etc. Jenny and I made up some fliers, which I had the honor of pasting around the light posts of Baia Mare. On the day of the show we all showed up a few hours early, complete with pre-performance jitters. The results were better than we had anticipated. Not only did we all rock it hard, we also had a surprising 40 person showing, the help from friends in the form of picture taking, filming, lights, and the help of the audience in completing a hand mural showing their support in ending gender violence. Hopefully, as was suggested by one of the comments left in our comment box, it will become a yearly affair.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD for all of you! I would love to participate if it happens again!!

    Barbara (Gr. 28)
